Common Questions

How is your approach different than other therapists?
Based upon the research associated with Epigenetics and Neuroplasticity, it has become very clear that the source of most struggles is the formation of an untruthful personal identity over a life-time of experience that gets stored at the cellular level. This core belief about oneself is never fully accessed consciously until shown how to do so. In its state of being below the threshold of awareness, it continues to impact how one views all aspects of their life; many times creating patterns that lead to consistent, amplified negative feelings. Because the research is becoming so clear, I realized that in order to assist clients permanently, I had to develop a Program that would allow someone to get rid of unhealthy parts of that stored learning and then provide a path of how to form a healthy, truthful identity, creating a whole new implicit memory.
After approaching therapy from this vantage point for nearly four years, it has become clear that the research was very accurate in explaining the real source of problems in our life. The results are in now, and clients that are willing to go through the program keep having the same positive results they have been seeking.

Can you explain a little bit more about what you mean? 

As people evaluate those aspects of their lives they believe are causing unhappiness, stress, and intrusive, sometimes overwhelming negative feelings, they evaluate through a process of what is external to them. "My husband's infidelity is what has made me so angry," or "I am unhappy because nobody accepts me," or "Her addiction is tearing our family apart," or "My teacher is harder on me than the other students." While other people's behaviors can reasonably create difficulty, if we have a healthy view of ourselves and are highly aware of this view, then such external events begin to have less negative impact on how we experience ourselves and life in general. The real issue is what is going on internally. For example, "My husband's infidelity..." is usually processed through the template of "I am obviously not enough (pretty enough, exciting enough, skinny enough, interesting enough, sexy enough, etc.) for my husband." That personal assessment now creates a sequential cascade of processes that becomes absorbed and is stored in neural networks and encoded upon our DNA. That learning and storing is never dormant, it is always in operation and continually sends signals that has us view life from an unhealthy core belief or template.
If I were to shorten the explanation, I might simply say, practicing being a victim only allows us to see things in terms of suffering and no choice. Practicing not being a victim would allow us to see things differently. How we evaluate our external circumstances will create a reality, which will have us see things as they really are, or have us see things through a lot of distortion. The evidence of distortion are negative feelings.

So, tell me about your Program?

My Program is based in increasing awareness of all aspects of our Implicit Learning or Memory. I do not approach therapy through Behavioral Modification, Cognitive Restructuring, or endless hours of talking about someone's issues. My Program is based in a correct understanding of how learning forms and becomes stored. It is an action based Program that leads clients through a journey of self-discovery. It is in that journey where old associations are dismembered allowing for new learning to form and store properly.
I have no agenda for any of my clients. My goal in working with individuals is for them to choose to live life based upon clarity of their truthful identity, rather than to simply react to life based upon a negative emotion. Whatever that looks like for the client at the end of the Program is now based in real choice, not reactivity.

How long does the transformation from an unhealthy identity to a healthy, truthful identity take?
Based upon the research the time required to change cellular learning is about 18 months. But you will not be with me for that long. On average, a person will be able to make the necessary transformation in about 20 sessions. In support of the research, I have developed an After Care Program, that is largely self-directed, which takes 60 weeks to complete. By the time someone has gone through the 20 hours with me and then completes the After Care Program, it would be impossible for them to return to an insecure identity.
Let's keep this in perspective. If you are 30 Years Old, you have already lived nearly 270,000 hours. In 20 hours you can completely flip your Implicit Learning or Core Belief about yourself. Isn't it about time?
So there is homework?
Yes, but you will be surprised about how little is required. If you ever spent more than three minutes in any given day doing your homework, including the After Care Program, it would be surprising.
Let me say something to endorse the homework - 1) I guarantee every client that if they will do the homework that the desired changes will take place; and 2) How do we learn something new? We have to do something new. The homework will get you to do something new!
It sounds so systematic. Will I ever be able to simply share what I am feeling or thinking?
Of course. Therapy is a process that supports the need to be understood and validated. Sometimes clients will just want to vent, or check to see if they are going crazy, or to just talk to someone about recent events. Never feel like you can't open up and just talk. It is all part of the process, but remember, the changes you are looking for will come through your increasing awareness that forms throughout the Program.
Does what we talk about in therapy remain confidential?
Confidentiality is one of the most important components between a client and psychotherapist. Successful therapy requires a high degree of trust with highly sensitive subject matter that is usually not discussed anywhere but the therapist's office. Every therapist should provide a written copy of their confidential disclosure agreement, and you can expect that what you discuss in session will not be shared with anyone. This is called “Informed Consent”. Sometimes, however, you may want your therapist to share information or give an update to someone on your healthcare team (your Physician, Naturopath, Attorney), but by law your therapist cannot release this information without obtaining your written permission.
However, state law and professional ethics require therapists to maintain confidentiality except for the following situations:
* Suspected past or present abuse or neglect of children, adults, and elders to the authorities, including Child Protection and law enforcement, based on information provided by the client or collateral sources.
* If the therapist has reason to suspect the client is seriously in danger of harming him/herself or has threated to harm another person.